This policy applies to all information collected or submitted on The Forgotten Die’s app for iPhone, its supporting website, and any other devices or platforms on which its content may be released.
Information we collect
There is no account required to play The Forgotten Die, so no credentials or other identifying information is stored.
You may choose to contact the developer by email, in which case your email address may be used to notify you about future releases, patches, or updates to the game.
GPS information is used only to determine proximity to game content sites, and your location is never referenced by any service other than the app itself on your device. Location data is not transferred to servers or stored in any way.
Technical basics
If you enable location services, they will be used only while you actively use the app, and your location information will not be stored or transferred to any other device or server.
The Forgotten Die’s app collects aggregate, anonymous statistics, such as the percentage of users who use particular features, to improve the app.
This information about your use of the app will be tracked with the Unity Analytics platform to help improve app performance, redesign user interface elements, and generally improve user experience.
The privacy policy for Unity Analytics can be found here.
Website usage is similarly tracked using Google Analytics.
No user identification information will be accessed or stored on any device or platform.
Information usage
We use the information we collect to operate and improve our website and apps.
We do not share personal information with outside parties under any circumstances, as our apps and website do not collect personal information of any kind.
We may share anonymous, aggregate statistics with outside parties, such as how many people play The Forgotten Die or visit our websites, how long they typically engage with our content, or their preferred features based upon patterns of use.
We may disclose information in response to subpoenas, court orders, or other legal requirements; to exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims; to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud or abuse, violations of our policies; or to protect our rights and property.
In the future, we may sell to, buy, merge with, or partner with other businesses. In such transactions, generic and aggregate user information may be among the transferred assets.
As no personal information is stored or tracked in The Forgotten Die or its websites and no account credentials are required for use, the app does not encrypt its information.
User progress is stored locally on your device, and any information transferred to our analytics platforms will not identify users individually.
Accessing, changing, or deleting information
You may delete the data The Forgotten Die stores on your device by deleting the app from your device.
California Online Privacy Protection Act Compliance
We comply with the California Online Privacy Protection Act. We therefore will not distribute your personal information to outside parties without your consent.
Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act Compliance
We never collect or maintain information at our website or on our app from anyone, including those we know are under 13, and no part of our website or app is structured to attract anyone under 13.
Information for European Union Customers
By using The Forgotten Die or its website, you authorize us to collect, use, and store your information as described outside of the European Union.
As stated above, no such collection of information is made by The Forgotten Die.
International Transfers of Information
Information may be processed, stored, and used outside of the country in which you are located. Data privacy laws vary across jurisdictions, and different laws may be applicable to your data depending on where it is processed, stored, or used.
Your Consent
By using our site or app, you consent to our privacy policy.
Contacting Us
If you have questions regarding this privacy policy, you may email
Changes to this policy
If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes on this page.
Changes Made, Date of Change: